Building the bear Roger Titley's Studio, South Africa
Bear at Franco Dragone's show "La Perle" 2015
Testing the first bear 2008
Bears in Linz09 workshop, Austria 2009
Chris Smart assing around at Roger Titley's studio
Mammal - Bear
The Bear was originally designed and built in Roger's studio in South Africa to be used for Linz09 in Austria and was later used in Franco Dragone's show La Perle in Dubai, UAE.
The Bear was originally designed and built in Roger's studio in South Africa to be used for Linz09 in Austria and was later used in Franco Dragone's show "La Perle" in Dubai, UAE.
The Bear was originally designed and built in Roger's studio in South Africa to be used for Linz09 in Austria and was later used in Franco Dragone's show La Perle in Dubai, UAE.
The Bear was originally designed and built in Roger's studio in South Africa to be used for Linz09 in Austria and was later used in Franco Dragone's show "La Perle" in Dubai, UAE.