Busy with this page, come back soon and learn more about the team below.....
Roger Titley
James Thomson
Vonan Gill
Annette van Wyk
Veronika Schurr
Meet the Team
Mr. Roger Titley
Roger Titley's is an award winning puppet designer
Mr. James Thomson
James is an experienced movement coach and choreographer living in Paris
Mr. Vonan Gill
Vonan is head of the Creature building team in South Africa
recent News & Events
Leopard for Kinshasa - 2023
In August this year we created puppets and masks for the opening ceremony of the Francophone games in Kinshasa This Large Leopard puppet was one of our puppets that featured in the show and was choreographed by Curtis Seachrist
Colourful Bird Puppets - 2023
We have just delivered 8 simple puppets birds to Moscow Ballet These birds were illustrated by Roger Titley and then printed directly onto flat polyethylene sheets. Once printed the parts were cut out and assembled.
Afrikaburn 2023
We have just returned from Afrikaburn where we introduced Tiny Tim the puppet on his tricycle to the dusty Tankwa Karoo
This puppet on a tricycle is almost 5 Meters tall and is operated by one person. The vehicle is powered by two 24 volt wheelchair motors